Sponsor a specific program, take a spot or series of radio spots, run a campaign or be known as a sponsor of King Island Radio 100.5 FM. Short term promotion or long term loyalty.
There are many options tailored to fit your budget. Every time we talk about YOUR business, club or organisation on air, we name YOU as a sponsor of our station. The community can HEAR you putting your dollars back into our community. Your target audience could be local residents or businesses, King Island visitors & tourists or off island who listen to King Island Radio podcasts or follow our social media.
Community radio is the fastest growing sector in Australian Broadcasting. We are the only non government broadcaster...and no commercial radio stations. We broadcast no more than 5 minutes of sponsorship announcements each hour, so there is less competition for the listener’s ear.
Sponsorship Rates click for current schedule
Contact Sponsorship coordinators kicomradio@gmail.com or call 0438 875 560
Maybe you not only want to reach people, but also want to make a real difference. A difference which is measurable and sustainable. You should take advantage of KICR Project Sponsorship. KICR Project Sponsorship is strategic, long lasting and contributes directly to the social, economic & wellbeing of the King Island Community.
Send the Community your message by becoming a KICR Project Sponsor.
Sponsorship Media Kit Download
Things you should know
All announcements will meet the requirements of the Broadcasting Services Act, the Community Radio Codes of Practice and any other standards or codes that are required.
Our Sponsorship Coordinator manages all sponsorship. Sponsorship announcements acknowledge the financial support of a sponsor, and in block programs are limited to a maximum of five minutes per hour. This time doesn’t include current promotional sponsorship.
We have a Sponsorship Agreement which both the sponsor and King Island Community Radio Inc. must sign.
Sponsorship announcements are to be produced and presented in a style and form consistent with the program in which they are to be placed.
Sponsorship announcements will not be pre-produced advertisements for commercial media, nor will they contain identifiable jingles associated with a particular product or service.
Sponsorship announcements must be factual statements about the sponsor, and will not use superlatives (eg. fastest, cheapest, biggest range, etc.)
Sponsorship announcements may mention prices where this information is essential and integral to the sponsor’s service (eg. price of tickets for a concert etc.) but will not take the form of lists of goods/services and prices.
Sponsorship announcements by political parties will be tagged as required under the Broadcasting Act
Each sponsorship spot is to be a maximum of 60 seconds duration.
Campaigns e.g. health, safety, community awareness, information or activities which are beneficial to the King Island community & visitors are encouraged.
Businesses, Associations or Organisations seeking sponsorship must first comply with general station policy.
The station reserves the right to veto scripts and refuse any paid announcements
Sponsorship decisions, provided they are within Station Policy, are made by the Sponsorship Coordinator(s). Any decision outside of Station Policy must be brought to the Station Manager or Committee.
Sponsorship announcements must receive specific prior approval of written copy by the Sponsorship and Announcing Coordinators.
Discretion is to be shown with rostering sponsorship announcements and block shows.
Sponsorship announcements are made by usb/prerecorded only, no extra announcements.
A Sponsor can provide the sponsorship announcements, or King Island Radio can produce your announcement for you. You can tell us want you want or we can advise you.