As a community radio station, our service to members is free-to air. Anyone, whether they are a member or not, can listen to King Island Radio 100.5 FM. Indeed, we welcome all listeners. That's what it means to be a community radio station.
So why should you pay for membership, when you can listen for free?
We are local. You hear local people presenting the music, which is often Australian; you hear local news, local community information, local weather and emergency information. You hear interviews with local people and even people visiting the locals. When you phone us, you're very likely to talk directly to the on-air presenter, and can comment on the show, make a request and so on. When you listen, you won't be bombarded with commercials. We broadcast only five minutes of sponsorship messages per hour - and most sponsors offer local products of interest to you from businesses which are .. local or supplying King Island.
If having local radio is important to you, consider becoming a member. Then every time you listen to us (or even think about us), you can have that feel-good feeling - that thanks to you, King Island Radio 100.5 FM is broadcasting for the benefit of the whole community, to King Island visitors, and to the outside world.
There are few organisations where you can access their products at home, in the car, at work, in the garden or when out walking the dog, riding a wave or horse, milking, growing, herding , driving, catching and in cyber world – potentially any time of the day or night, every day of the year. Not only accessing the product but also having a say in what happens and what you hear.
Our charter from the Federal Government requires us to be financially self-supporting. We have to pay our way while giving away our product! This is a difficult task. Your membership can, and will, make a difference. It's a small annual fee - and sometimes only members will receive rewards, be able to enter competitions or get giveaways or discounts.
If you can't afford membership, keep listening. We broadcast for everyone, and we are glad to have you on board. Every now and again, we'd like you to whisper a quiet thanks to the folk who have chosen to become members and to the volunteers - without them the station cannot exist. Click or the button Join NOW, download a membership form, follow the instructions & 'Welcome Aboard'